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What Does It Mean to be Human?
Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha

What Does It Mean to be Human?

Human psychology is a topic that greatly interests me, so I knew I would take AP Psychology my junior year without a doubt. An instance from that class that really stuck with me was when my teacher introduced us to cognitive dissonance: that uneasy feeling when our beliefs and actions conflict.

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Annika Fisher-Eddy Annika Fisher-Eddy Annika Fisher-Eddy Annika Fisher-Eddy


I recently realized that I’m a codependent person. I’m the type of person who can get really attached to a person I love, to the point where I want to be around them 24/7. I’ve always loved and cared about people, and I’ve always cherished my relationships with friends and family.

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Is This Thing On?
Izel Nava Izel Nava Izel Nava Izel Nava

Is This Thing On?

The way I carry myself is in equal parts delusion and reality. America has deluded me into believing I can achieve my dreams of professional and financial success. Mexico pushes me to submit to being a caretaker, to rot in my childhood home.

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12 Moments (Copy)
Amelia Giese Amelia Giese (She/Her) Amelia Giese Amelia Giese (She/Her)

12 Moments (Copy)

Adjusting to my first semester at college was not easy. I picked a school over 1000 miles away from my home, in a state that I had only been to once to visit the school, and in a city that I barely knew how to navigate.

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T-Wolf T-Wolf (he/him/his, she/her/hers) T-Wolf T-Wolf (he/him/his, she/her/hers)


What do we leave behind when we die?

This isn’t the first time I’ve pondered this question. Most of such times only ever took place in my mind though, whether whilst spacing out from a class lecture or lying in bed trying to distract myself from the world.

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Shresta Nibhanupudi Shresta Nibhanupudi Shresta Nibhanupudi Shresta Nibhanupudi


When I was nine years old, I started doing the nerdiest thing of all time. I started training for math competitions. Math competition classes are exactly what you’d expect: boring. I hated it. I skipped every class and never did any of my homework.

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Finding Balance
Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha

Finding Balance

Social media is everywhere. It’s how we stay connected, share our lives, and even meet new people. But as much as it helps us stay in touch, it can also make relationships—whether friendships or romantic ones—a lot more complicated.

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Izel Nava Izel Nava Izel Nava Izel Nava


I’ve spent all my life wondering what I would be like at a certain age. At eight I wanted to be ten, at ten I wanted to be fifteen, and at fifteen I wanted to be eighteen.

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Cultural Beauty
Shreya Sakar Shreya Sakar Shreya Sakar Shreya Sakar

Cultural Beauty

Eyeliner has been a tradition in India for centuries. From portraits of deities on my grandmother’s walls in Kolkata, to posters of Bharathanatyam dancers I looked up to at my dance school, I’ve always associated eyeliner with Indian beauty.

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Annika Fisher-Eddy Annika Fisher-Eddy Annika Fisher-Eddy Annika Fisher-Eddy


I never quite knew what grief felt like before. My grandma died when I was five, but I wasn’t old enough yet to understand. I’ve gone through breakups, but I’m a pretty resilient person, so I got over those pretty quickly.

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Fall Movie Recommendations
Bex Bex Rizo Bex Bex Rizo

Fall Movie Recommendations

Seeing as it’s that time of the year again, I thought I should recommend my top five fall/Halloween movies. So, the following information is about my personal favorite fall movies, along with how I would rank them.

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Between the Lines
T-Wolf T-Wolf (he/him/his, she/her/hers) T-Wolf T-Wolf (he/him/his, she/her/hers)

Between the Lines

No student in American public schooling is unfamiliar with annotations. Through middle school and high school, whenever one steps into their English classroom, they can always expect to be in the middle of some book or other, unintelligible midnight handwriting scrawled along the occasional page that they’ll have to explain to their teacher.

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Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha Prisha Mantha


I hate The Catcher in the Rye.

Not because it’s a bad book, but because of what it came to represent in my life. In the middle of my sophomore year, a girl stopped me in the hallway, her face serious.

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Beat of the Game
T-Wolf T-Wolf (he/him/his, she/her/hers) T-Wolf T-Wolf (he/him/his, she/her/hers)

Beat of the Game

Music has always been a memory-keeper in my life. I’ve filled my life with music every day, hitting pause buttons and shuffling playlists whenever I get the chance.

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