Our Blog
Passion Over Grief
When I first started figure skating at the age of four, I would’ve never guessed the impact it would have on my life and well-being. Throughout all these years, although I wasn't seen as a figure skating "prodigy," my passion kept me going.
Dear 2024
You have finally arrived and I find myself standing at the edge of a significant transition in my life's journey. You represent not just a year on the calendar to me, but a threshold between the familiarity of my past and the uncertainty of my future. The closing chapter of my high school days will converge with the dawn of college and adulthood.
Living With Ourselves
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” - Oscar Wilde
With every passing day, my memories of my childhood fade a little faster. It’s a thought that I wish could be an exaggeration, but with photos, documents, videos, and all other sorts of digital files keeping intricate records of my personality at every stage of life, I have proof that my life is far larger than I remember it being.
A New Year, A New Me?
The highlights of a year are intertwined with who we have become through the hardships and successes we experienced that year. As the year comes to an end, we strive to learn from our mistakes and go down memory lane to see all we lived through.
In Case They Ever Invent a Time Machine
Looking down at you makes me feel tall. I forget how small you are till you pretend I can’t keep up. Holding my hand and dragging me to play in between crinkly eyes and obnoxious giggles, screaming in between winded laughs as I chase you, once I catch you, I spin you, with over-dramatic words about how great you are at games. You smile, asking me to pick you up again just because I can.
From peers, mentors, teachers, and friends, I've often gotten comments on how mature I am for my age. I'm logistical when delegating tasks or work, realistic when reflecting on my progress in mental and physical health, determined to fulfill a future career path, and very good at offering advice to those in personal conflicts.
Growing Pains
I am a product of years of suffering. A product of men and women who were cut from steel. Men and women made grotesque from their broken dreams. They are all cracked hands worn from labor and hushed whispers directed toward their faith.
Our Sci-Fi World
As we continue to advance into our modern age, technology advances at a very fast rate. With only a few simple taps from the small electronic rectangle in our hands, we can talk to anyone we want, as long as we have their contact information.
Not Just Dolls
Every year, for as long as I can remember, my aunt has taken my mom, my sister, and I to the American Girl store in Chicago to go shopping and get lunch for mine and my sisters birthdays, and this year was no exception. You may be wondering, aren’t you a little old for dolls? And yes, I am, I don’t enjoy them like I used to anymore. But, I have a little sister who is nine years old, so I get to keep going until she decides she’s done.
No Sabo Kid
One of my biggest struggles growing up was knowing who I was. I knew my mom is American, with blonde hair and blue eyes. My dad is Mexican, with black hair and brown eyes. And people always said I took after him.
My Living Textbook
Just over a year ago, I began writing letters to my great grandfather as often as I could. An ample vessel of knowledge, my 95 year old great-grandfather has lived through war, political turmoil, economic instability, civil rights movements, and other infamous chapters of US history textbooks.
Artificial Incessancy
first learned about visual art artificial intelligence programs about a year ago, when I discovered one by the name of Wombo Art online. It was a website that could take word prompts from a browser, combine it with an art style of choosing, and generate a picture based off of both. Though I was skeptical of how effective it’d be at first, I decided to try it out- and the very first prompt I ever put in was my own name, T-Wolf.
"Pal"entine's Day
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Literally, you see it almost everywhere you go. In fact, some stores begin advertising as soon as late December. To some, this is great, because why wouldn’t you want an extra 1-2 months to prepare?
Thoughts from a 1st Generation Daughter
As a daughter to 1st generation immigrants, I’ve always felt underrepresented. I’ve always felt like no one was going through what I was; whether it was begging my mom to pack me a sandwich instead of the daal and rice she insisted I take.
A Year of Luck
Throughout all my years of living, I’ve been taught that my family, my ancestors, and my people, are always by my side.
I <3 Math
This may come as a shock, seeing as I do writing and photography for a magazine, but I absolutely love math. Math is my favorite subject. The way that numbers cancel out and simplify, and how everything tends to click in the end, scratches an itch in my brain. I love math so much that I look forward to it everyday, and I always have. Not once have I been bad at math. In fact, I’d consider myself good at every kind of math: Algebra (one and two), Trigonometry, Pre-Calc, and, so far, Calculus.
The Beat That Never Stops
Some days, when all is too still for time, I can see my heartbeat.Usually it’s right over my chest, in the slight wave of the shirt I’m wearing. It’s almost like a ripple of water, the way the beat expands throughout the fabric, then settles again.
Not All About Emo
I’m someone who’s very into fashion. I love putting together clothes and jewelry in ways that make interesting outfits. I never leave the house without an outfit that I think will make me look cool.