Our Blog

Not Just Dolls
Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas

Not Just Dolls

Every year, for as long as I can remember, my aunt has taken my mom, my sister, and I to the American Girl store in Chicago to go shopping and get lunch for mine and my sisters birthdays, and this year was no exception. You may be wondering, aren’t you a little old for dolls? And yes, I am, I don’t enjoy them like I used to anymore. But, I have a little sister who is nine years old, so I get to keep going until she decides she’s done.

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I <3 Math
Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas

I <3 Math

This may come as a shock, seeing as I do writing and photography for a magazine, but I absolutely love math. Math is my favorite subject. The way that numbers cancel out and simplify, and how everything tends to click in the end, scratches an itch in my brain. I love math so much that I look forward to it everyday, and I always have. Not once have I been bad at math. In fact, I’d consider myself good at every kind of math: Algebra (one and two), Trigonometry, Pre-Calc, and, so far, Calculus. 

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Man Band
Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas

Man Band

They say the fastest way to someone’s heart is through the ribs. And while this is technically true for everyone, the best way to my heart is through the most wonderful band to ever grace this planet, 5 Seconds of Summer.

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