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Our Sci-Fi World
E- Coughlin Beth Tomas E- Coughlin Beth Tomas

Our Sci-Fi World

As we continue to advance into our modern age, technology advances at a very fast rate. With only a few simple taps from the small electronic rectangle in our hands, we can talk to anyone we want, as long as we have their contact information.

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Not All About Emo
E- Coughlin Beth Tomas E- Coughlin Beth Tomas

Not All About Emo

I’m someone who’s very into fashion. I love putting together clothes and jewelry in ways that make interesting outfits. I never leave the house without an outfit that I think will make me look cool.

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E- Coughlin Beth Tomas E- Coughlin Beth Tomas


One of the hardest things for girls to believe is that they are beautiful. Society doesn’t like it when women have confidence. Society doesn’t like it when women are able to look in the mirror and be happy about what they see there.

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Found Family
E- Coughlin Beth Tomas E- Coughlin Beth Tomas

Found Family

I have seven siblings – one younger, six older. Only one of them, my younger brother, is actually related to me in any way. My six older siblings are my ‘honorary’ older siblings–my found family. I love my younger brother to the death, and I love my honorary older siblings just the same.

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