Our Blog

"Pal"entine's Day
Bex Beth Tomas Bex Beth Tomas

"Pal"entine's Day

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Literally, you see it almost everywhere you go. In fact, some stores begin advertising as soon as late December. To some, this is great, because why wouldn’t you want an extra 1-2 months to prepare?

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A Year of Luck
T-Wolf Beth Tomas T-Wolf Beth Tomas

A Year of Luck

Throughout all my years of living, I’ve been taught that my family, my ancestors, and my people, are always by my side.

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I <3 Math
Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas

I <3 Math

This may come as a shock, seeing as I do writing and photography for a magazine, but I absolutely love math. Math is my favorite subject. The way that numbers cancel out and simplify, and how everything tends to click in the end, scratches an itch in my brain. I love math so much that I look forward to it everyday, and I always have. Not once have I been bad at math. In fact, I’d consider myself good at every kind of math: Algebra (one and two), Trigonometry, Pre-Calc, and, so far, Calculus. 

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The Beat That Never Stops
T-Wolf Beth Tomas T-Wolf Beth Tomas

The Beat That Never Stops

Some days, when all is too still for time, I can see my heartbeat.Usually it’s right over my chest, in the slight wave of the shirt I’m wearing. It’s almost like a ripple of water, the way the beat expands throughout the fabric, then settles again.

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Not All About Emo
E- Coughlin Beth Tomas E- Coughlin Beth Tomas

Not All About Emo

I’m someone who’s very into fashion. I love putting together clothes and jewelry in ways that make interesting outfits. I never leave the house without an outfit that I think will make me look cool.

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Little Goals
Bex Beth Tomas Bex Beth Tomas

Little Goals

At the beginning of every year many people reflect on how the year went, what they did, what they didn’t do. Based on these reflections, many determine whether the last year was good or not. A common ritual people practice is to set “new year's resolutions.” The only trouble with setting yearly goals is that it can be very easy to break these promises. Some of these broken commitments include eating healthier and exercising, and who can blame them when running is practically torture and cheeseburgers taste pretty good ?

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Holiday Envy
Brooke Kelley Beth Tomas Brooke Kelley Beth Tomas

Holiday Envy

Ever since I was a young girl, I was a grinch. My green claws scratched against the Mariah Carey vinyl records until they shrieked. My furry-green-fluff laced the cookies laid out for Santa. I don’t come from the type of family that rises before the sun on Christmas Day to tear apart trinkets from the man who slides down the chimney to lay presents out for each good little kid.

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Ankita Mallik Beth Tomas Ankita Mallik Beth Tomas


College admissions is a stressful topic for most high schoolers, with the looming suspense of where everyone will end up. Often, college is seen as the only path after high school, or at least the most ideal. As a current junior in high school, I am constantly stressed about how my actions will affect my future.

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T-Wolf Beth Tomas T-Wolf Beth Tomas


The mind can be imagined in many ways.For some, it is quite literally just the brain, talking, shouting, whispering to itself. A full house of rooms with different sets of memories. Infinite filing cabinets, ideas and information stored away in folders all across the cabinets.

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Man Band
Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas Amelia Giese (She/Her) Beth Tomas

Man Band

They say the fastest way to someone’s heart is through the ribs. And while this is technically true for everyone, the best way to my heart is through the most wonderful band to ever grace this planet, 5 Seconds of Summer.

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E- Coughlin Beth Tomas E- Coughlin Beth Tomas


One of the hardest things for girls to believe is that they are beautiful. Society doesn’t like it when women have confidence. Society doesn’t like it when women are able to look in the mirror and be happy about what they see there.

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Writing Home
Bex Beth Tomas Bex Beth Tomas

Writing Home

School was never something I had any specific thoughts or feelings about; it was just something I did. I knew it was important for the future: college, career, happy life, and so on. But that was it, just a means to an end, something I had to complete before I got to my actual goal of becoming an adult.

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The Art of Diversity
Brooke Kelley Beth Tomas Brooke Kelley Beth Tomas

The Art of Diversity

As a junior in high school, I am taking AP Art History this school year. In the cozy confines of my first period classroom, we probe art pieces from 3500 BCE- modern day works through lively discussion, thoughtful written analysis and precise note taking.

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Seasonal Depression
T-Wolf Beth Tomas T-Wolf Beth Tomas

Seasonal Depression

There’s a certain dread that comes to me around this time of year.Autumn hardly seems to exist in the more southern states of America, seemingly lasting anywhere from one week to one month at best.

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Little Ghosts!!
Riley Tomes Beth Tomas Riley Tomes Beth Tomas

Little Ghosts!!

In my recent years, I have become rather fond of little ghosts. This makes Halloween really rather exciting for me, because it is the perfect season to tell everyone how much I love little ghosts and why they should too, but I certainly do not confine my adoration of little ghosts to October.

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Dinner Table
T-Wolf Beth Tomas T-Wolf Beth Tomas

Dinner Table

My home is soup.That’s not a metaphor, nor exaggeration. I do not live in a pot of broth, or eat it for every meal, but my home is still in soup. Specifically, the soup that my mother makes, simmering for hours in a large pot on the stove. It rolls off our Vietnamese tongues by practiced genes, and rolls back in by practiced appetites.

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