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Your Name Engraved Herein; Movie Review #3
Oshun Cortez Oshun Cortez Oshun Cortez Oshun Cortez

Your Name Engraved Herein; Movie Review #3

As I start college in September, I was advised to go to orientation to get ourselves comfortable with our environment and the people that we are going to be with in terms of potential classmates or friends. We did an introduction on what our name is, our pronouns, and what our favorite movie is currently.

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Parasite; Movie Review #2
Oshun Cortez Oshun Cortez Oshun Cortez Oshun Cortez

Parasite; Movie Review #2

As I purchased the Criterion Collection movie of Parasite directed by Bong Joon-ho, I started to think about this movie and the symbolism that went into this film and the thought that goes into this film.

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