Need Ideas for Your Story?

Theme: Celebrations

There are many things worth celebrating throughout our lives. Many events and changes in our lives that we often hope to take a moment to bask in, whether by ourselves or with the people around us. In this issue of This Girls Story, we welcome you to describe the celebrations in your life that you cherish the most.

Optional prompts to consider:

  • What are some things you celebrate?

  • What are some unique traditions you have in your celebrations?

  • What do you wish more people celebrated?

  • How are your celebrations different from others?

  • Describe a celebration very personal to you.

  • Describe a holiday most people don’t know about.

  • What kinds of food do you have at your celebrations?

  • Which people in your life do you prefer to share your successes with?

  • Describe an event or holiday that you have changed your mind about.

  • How do you celebrate your milestones?

  • What is something small that you believe is worth celebrating?

Submission Deadline: November 10th